09 February 2010

What d0es my heart says? he's been sh0uting for quite some time, but i just noticed...

Speaking of the heart, there are lots of things that are related... am i right? or am i wr0ng?

such things are for instance, the love life... haha! it's n0t that complex, but sure thing not a simple one... am i in love? am i stil in love? h0w about the past love life? even this subject has it's subs... huhu... i'm so confused right now... it's been a long time i've been in a position called "gantung tak bertali"... damn... bad isn't it...

yes, i kn0w i'm not go0d enough... i don't have the looks, i got a flabby body, what more that i can offer... i have a crush with this girl... recently, in this class... it's more to like a religious class... but in that very class, i think i got a crush with this someone... haha! cliche isn't it?? but, i'm stil afraid to approach her because i still don't know her status! all my life, it's been full of rejection... hehe... g0t used to it in the end...

about this girl, i want to know her more... we can still be friends right if there's nothing going on between us... hehe.. =)

p/s: thanx for the conversation! really looking forward to talk to you again some time... =) do keep in touch...
(menyesal la xmintak number die skali... ak mintak die add kt FB je... aduh! beng0ng nye ak... huhuhu...)

0 tH0ugHTs oF oTheRs:

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