20 February 2010

go0d day today! with a little thinking...

i w0ke up this morning with a smile on my face...! that means, i'm ready to face anything with a smile! not much to do in the morning except doing overtime with my sleep... haha! then, after the friday prayers, went to my friends h0use...

suddenly, i g0t a feeling... to kare0ke! haha! kn0cking out some s0ngs until our thr0ats dried up! damn go0d! singing our hearts out with "tangkap leleh r0ck kapak melayu" songs, nailing th0se high pitch n0tes, although i'm n0t a go0d singer...! but still enj0yed it!

Then, my c0usin called, asked me wether i want to go to the movies with them... "Of course i will!!" haha! da cuti2, nk bwt ape lg kn... hehe...
we watched the movie "the wolfman", the m0vie was damn nice i tell u! hehe... i really rec0mmended it to th0se who like seeing blo0d squirting action and thriller scenes, not rec0mmended to th0se who are faint hearted... hehe...

i enj0yed most of the day today... but sumthing caught my attention... when i was kare0ke'ing, for a moment i th0ught ab0ut that girl... she has already have someone who l0ves her dearly... and i shouldn't be making her thinking ab0ut me... after hearing some opinions, i thought that i have to leave them just the way they were... it's actually my fault too because i didn't approach her earlier... now she has someone else, wh0le l0t better than me, i have to leave them like that... i don't want to be called "perampas" or anything like that...

p/s: syg, kalo u baca ni, i juz nk ckp yg i undurkan diri untuk korang berdua... die betul2 sygkn awk... jgn hancurkn bende yg indah tu, ok? tp jgn risau, i'll be there if u need me or anything... mmg salah i sbb xappr0ach awk awal2 dulu... so, skrg i kene la tanggung salah i ni... but, don't feel bad about yourself... u g0t a man that's much more better than me... he'll take care of you... if he doesn't, i'll kn0ck him d0wn! mcm mane p0n, i'll still remain as your longest best friend you can ever ask...

0 tH0ugHTs oF oTheRs:

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